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LifeConnect24 & Charities

Charities across the UK offer a fantastic range of vital services to those in need of help & support. At LifeConnect24, we are proud to work alongside local and national charities of all sizes to provide assisted living and care where it is needed most. We can offer swift and simple solutions for charities supporting elderly, disabled, or vulnerable adults.

How We Can Help

At LifeConnect24 we are proud to work alongside different charities to help people stay safe and independent in their own homes.  Using our personal alarms, people of all ages can enjoy the benefits of independent living. 

  • Bespoke packages to suit individual needs.
  • Maintain independence.
  • Dedicated management system.
  • Reduce costs of care.
  • 24/7 cover 365 days a year.
  • Check-In Calls.

Why Choose Us?

LifeConnect24 is one of the leading providers across the UK.

A dedicated account manager will see you through from first point of contact through to individual account management. With us you can expect a high quality, cost effective service offering the latest innovative solutions.

  • Already supporting over 50,000 people in the UK.
  • Answering over 45,000 calls per month.
  • A TSA Platinum accredited service.
  • 98.87% of calls answered within 60 seconds.
  • Reassurance Calls tailored for each client.

Make A Referral

Complete our quick form to make a referral for a patient or person in need, we will take it from there.

Make Referral

Ask For A Call

Have a member of our very friendly team call you back to answer any questions you may have.

Request Callback

Want to order your lifeline alarm service or have a question? Get in touch!